Real-time supervision of grinding systems via remote support

Online Observation

Extraordinary times require comprehensive solutions. NEUMAN & ESSER supervises your grinding and classifying systems even when we cannot be physically on site. With innovative solutions and utilization of NEA XPLORE as digital service, we are able to check and evaluate the system performance of our products despite travelling restrictions.

NEUMAN & ESSER offers with the NEA XPLORE hardware a plug & play solution, which provides full access to the system data via a remote connection. This powerful tool allows our experienced NEA process engineers to evaluate and optimize the performance of the grinding system. The close collaboration with the personnel on site increases the system knowledge and gives your operators hands-on training at the same time.

Who does what?

•    We carry out an online observation of your NEA ICM grinding system together with your technicians on site
•    A NEA process engineer will support your local technician by remote access and phone

Which tools are necessary?

•    Pressure measuring device
•    Temperature measuring device
•    Anemometer
•    These Tools can be supplied upon request

What about the time frame?

•    The duration of observation is one day plus pre-paration and data processing analysis time
•    Additional observation days are possible upon request

Which media is used?

What benefits can you expect from the online observation?

•    We will send you an XPLORE-BOX, which can be easily installed as Plug & Play
•    The Observation is done via the support of our XPLORE Platform, which enables live access to your machine process data and set points
•    Direct communication with your local technicians is done via Microsoft TEAMS (other applications are also possible upon request)

•    You get 100% OEM support from NEA
•    Analysis and optimization of your processes and grinding system
•    Optimization of grinding capacity and grinding parameters
•    Your personnel has the advantage to gain operational experience as a result of the observation/input from our NEA process engineers.

Jonas Appeltrath

Jonas Appeltrath

Sales After Market


NEUMAN & ESSER Process Technology
Werkstr. o. Nr. , 52531 Übach-Palenberg